Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Second 8x10 Avatar Painting

All this week I've been showing off some of my Avatar art. Today I'm going to show you my second 8x10 Avatar painting. Yesterday you saw my First 8x10 Avatar painting. You have also seen my First Avatar ACEO painting and my Second Avatar ACEO painting. This will be the last day of Avatar art for a while.

Just like with the other paintings, I will show this painting in three stages. Also just like the other paintings there is a more detailed video of me doing this painting.



This is done in flat colors to map everything out


This where everything comes together

Here is My Second Avatar 8"x10" Oil Painting video for this painting.

Update 7/27/10:
This painting is sold so it is no longer available.

See my other Avatar videos of my First 8x10 Avatar Painting, my First Avatar ACEO Painting, my Second Avatar ACEO Painting, Drawing Jake Sully from the Avatar movie and How To Draw Your Own Avatar Character

Check out my comic book characters art videos.

My Hugh Jackman Wolverine Drawing

My Martian Manhunter Painting

My Three Jokers Painting

Painting The Scarlet Witch

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